Tele-wellness On-the-go is an audio library of two-to-five-minute tutorials full of practical, everyday tips on health and wellness that employees can implement to improve their mental health, nutritional wellness, and physical fitness. Employees and their families can call our toll-free number from their home or worksite on any day and at any time.
Tele-wellness On-the-go offers instantly accessible health information via a toll-free number to employees and family members registered in the employee wellness program. It adds an important support component to Wellness Factors's corporate programs, helping to boost employee health by providing two-to-five-minute audio tutorials full of practical, everyday tips for improved mental health, nutritional wellness, relationship health, and physical fitness. The extensive audio library is regularly updated with new health-care information and advice designed to deliver maximum health benefits to employees and their families.
The tutorials contained in Tele-wellness On-the-go are based upon key worksite concerns that drive up health-care and health-insurance costs for the employer. They fall under these eight general health-and-wellness topics: