Heart disease is the leading cause of death among North Americans — a silent, stealthy killer that many people don't know they have until it's too late. The good news is that heart conditions can be detected, controlled, and even prevented by taking sensible precautionary measures.
Wellness Factors' Heart Health program is designed to help employees and their families avoid heart disease by promoting lifestyle choices that limit or reduce their susceptibility to its main risk factors: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stress, smoking, excessive drinking, physical inactivity, and obesity. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that employers who implement worksite programs to prevent heart disease can reduce health-care costs by up to 55 per cent and increase productivity by as much as 52 per cent.
The Heart Health program begins with a campaign to garner maximum employee participation. Activities include on-site measuring and comparative tracking of blood fats, blood pressure, and heart rate, as well as lifestyle practices for heart health.
Wellness Factors' Wellness Director will work with the employer from start to full implementation of the corporate program over the following stages: